Wilkinson Associates aims to provide high quality ecological advice from experienced lead ecologist Jan Wilkinson, drawing on a network of other specialists as necessary to support the needs of our clients and projects.
Jan Wilkinson BA (Hons), BSc (Open), Certificate in Biological Surveying
Director Jan Wilkinson has almost 20 years’ experience of ecological consultancy work in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal environments. She has particular expertise in ecological surveys, ecological impact assessment (EcIA) and the design and implementation of mitigation measures for habitats and protected species.
Jan has strong botanical and habitat survey skills and has carried out many hundreds of Phase 1 and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys in a very wide range of habitats throughout the UK. She is also very experienced in carrying out Phase 2/National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys in habitats ranging from woodlands and grasslands to saltmarshes, dunes, aquatic environments and upland/peatland sites. She is competent in identifying and assessing plant communities and habitats in most geographical areas of the UK, from the north of Scotland to the Isle of Wight.
Jan is also highly experienced in protected species work, with particular expertise in reptile and amphibian ecology including Great Crested Newts (GCN). She holds current survey licences for GCN and has prepared many successful applications for development licences involving European Protected Species including GCN and Natterjack Toads. She is also experienced in carrying out surveys, assessments and the implementation of mitigation measures for other protected species including water voles, otters, badgers and birds.
Jan’s consultancy experience has been gained in a diverse variety of environments, with a strong emphasis on sites and projects within the quarrying and landfill industries but also including many other project types from the small scale (e.g. house extensions) to major infrastructure projects. She enjoys writing clear, focussed and solution-centred reports. Her experience enables her to support her clients throughout their project, from conception through to implementation.